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The Political Risks of Mandating EVs for Everyone

Mark Mills writes in RealClearEnergy about the problems with a mandated shift to EVs.

The C3 Take
  • Through increased subsidies and higher fuel efficiency standards, lawmakers are attempting to reshape the automotive industry.
  • America’s over reliance on China for the critical minerals that power EVs would accelerate under a mandated shift to EVs.
  • The cost of new car purchases would also escalate as EVs have a higher sticker price than most cars with internal combustion engines.
  • While EVs have their merits, it should be up to consumers, not the government, to decide what vehicle is best for them.

“The realities of physics and engineering mean that politicians pushing for an all-EV future run a high risk. Quite aside from the eventual discovery that EVs will disappoint with only a tiny impact on global CO2 emissions, the bigger impacts will come as consumers find vehicle ownership costs and inconveniences both escalating.”

Read the full article here.

The views and opinions expressed are those of the author’s and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of C3.

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