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How Big Oil’s wastewater could fuel the EV revolution

Hannah Northey and Shelby Webb of E&E News write about the role that the oil and gas industry could play in the EV revolution.

The C3 Take
  • Salty brine water, a byproduct of the oil and gas industry, is becoming valuable for the race to build more EVs due to the high level of lithium in the water.
  • The University of Texas at Austin estimates that a single week’s worth of water from hydraulic fracturing could produce enough lithium for 300 EV batteries.
  • Exxon recently bought 120,000 acres in Arkansas that it will use for lithium extraction and production.

“This year, the CEOs of Exxon Mobil Corp., Chevron Corp. and Occidental Petroleum Corp. have said their companies are working on pilot projects to extract lithium from brine. A subsidiary of Occidental Petroleum, for example, has developed a technique to remove lithium from brine in new wells, oil and gas fields, geothermal power production and chemical operations. And in July, Exxon Mobil CEO Darren Woods told investors the company has been looking at lithium extraction ‘for quite some time.'”

Read the full article here.

The views and opinions expressed are those of the author’s and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of C3.

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