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U.S. scientists hit new fusion energy milestone

Rebecca Falconer of Axios reports that U.S. scientists have hit a new fusion milestone.

The C3 Take
  • In December 2022, researchers at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory reached a milestone in nuclear fusion, achieving energy gain for the first time.
  • Now scientists at Lawrence Livermore have again reached ignition with a fusion reaction, this time generating more energy than the previous time.
  • Fusion energy replicates the same process that creates stars and has the potential to generate an infinite supply of carbon-free power.
  • This breakthrough is critical to addressing climate and energy security needs.

“Scientists have worked for decades to develop nuclear fusion as a source of effectively limitless clean energy, but Axios’ Alison Snyder notes that there’s still a long way to go in overcoming further scientific, technical and financial hurdles for it to become a commercial power supply.”

Read the full article here.

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