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An AI Startup Is Helping North American Diesel Trains Clean Up Their Act

Coco Liu of Bloomberg reports on an AI startup that is helping trains reduce fuel use.

The C3 Take
  • RailVision Analytics is a Montreal-based startup that is using AI to help trains increase fuel efficiency and reduce their climate impact.
  • RailVision collects data from train operators and uses an algorithm to determine the most fuel efficient driving patterns.
  • In a one year testing period with trains in Ontario, RailVision’s solution saved more than 1.5 million litres (~400,000 gallons) of diesel fuel.

“To solve those puzzles, RailVision collects data from rail operations to simulate train dynamics and uses an algorithm to determine the most fuel-efficient driving pattern. While the AI solution is still in its infancy, Jain says it has helped Metrolinx, a government agency that serves millions of riders in the province of Ontario, save more than 1.5 million liters of diesel fuel during a one-year experiment. RailVision also counts Via Rail Canada Inc., the country’s main intercity passenger train operator, as an early adopter.”

Read the full article here.

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