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Steam made by heat pumps can help clean up industry and manufacturing

Jeff St. John of Canary Media reports on AtmosZero and its mission to clean up manufacturing.

The C3 Take
  • Gas-powered boilers which produce steam for industrial processes are responsible for responsible for an estimated 7 percent of global greenhouse gas emissions.
  • AtmosZero is looking to address this challenge by producing electric heat pump boilers for industrial uses.
  • In its first project, AtmosZero is installing a 650 kilowatt boiler in the headquarters of New Belgium Brewing in Fort Collins, Colorado.
  • Private sector innovation is driving cleantech progress.

“Typical residential heat-pump systems deliver about 300 to 400 percent as much energy in the form of heat as the energy they use to transfer it. AtmosZero’s heat-pump boilers can practically deliver about 200 percent of the same energy input as heat, he said. But that’s still about two and a half times more efficient than the energy conversion efficiency of burning fossil gas or using electric resistance systems to boil water, he noted.”

Read the full article here.

The views and opinions expressed are those of the author’s and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of C3.

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