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Carbon capture: The road less traveled, the path to economic and climate success

Wyoming Governor Mark Gorden writes in The Hill about the benefits of carbon capture and storage (CCUS).

The C3 Take
  • Policies that aim to eliminate fossil fuels would inflate costs for consumers, limit energy development in emerging economies, and increase emissions globally. 
  • To reduce emissions and grow its economy, Wyoming has embraced carbon capture and storage (CCUS). In fact, the state is home to the largest CCUS plant in the world. 
  • The world needs innovative solutions to meet the world’s energy and economic needs while reaching a low-carbon economy—Wyoming has embraced such a solution in CCUS.

“Americans rely on energy every day to make our way of life possible. We in Wyoming care deeply about our natural heritage because we live close to it and appreciate the delicacy of powering our nation without sacrificing our home. It would be my honor to show you what Wyoming is doing to be a leader on this front.”

Read the full article here.

The views and opinions expressed are those of the author’s and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of C3.

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