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The U.S. Has Billions for Wind and Solar Projects. Good Luck Plugging Them In.

Brad Plumer of The New York Times reports on backlogs that are hindering clean power projects.

The C3 Take
  • Despite the record private and public sector investments in the clean energy space, the United States is struggling to bring new clean power projects on to the grid.
  • The time it takes for a new project to reach the power grid has doubled in the last few years due to increased clean power supply and permitting backlogs.
  • Experts have suggested that grid operators should begin to consider multiple projects at a time to speed up approval times.
  • Meanwhile, lawmakers must address policies that slow down interstate power generation.

“PJM, the grid operator, now has 2,700 energy projects under study — mostly wind, solar and batteries — a number that has tripled in just three years. Wait times can now reach four years or more, which prompted PJM last year to pause new reviews and overhaul its processes.”

Read the full article here.

The views and opinions expressed are those of the author’s and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of C3.

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