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Nest co-founder launches service to turn household food scraps into chicken feed for $33/month

Lisa Stiffler of GeekWire reports on a new service that is aiming to reduce food waste.

The C3 Take
  • For $33 per month a subscriber to Mill will be given a trash can that compresses food waste (excluding biodegradable products) and turns it into a ground-like material.
  • Once the trash can is full the customer can send the bag to a processing center in the mail, where it is checked for contaminants and turned into animal feed.
  • Thanks to private sector innovation, we can slowly shrink our food waste and methane footprint.

“While Mill appears to be unique for providing a service that turns scraps back into food, there are other retail devices that churn up and dehydrate organic waste. That includes a $500 countertop, food waste composter by Lomi, and another version from Vitamix for $350. Both generate a product that can be added to garden soil.”

Read the full article here.

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