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Meet The Entrepreneurs Who Designed Pollution-Killing Plants

Amy Feldman of Forbes reports on Neoplant, who has designed pollution-killing plants.

The C3 Take
  • The company has designed a plant that clean indoor air pollution 30 times better than regular houseplants.
  • Neoplant’s team has been able to accomplish this by engineering a plant’s molecular metabolism to convert volatile organic compounds into plant matter rather than storing them as pollutants.
  • The startups novel invention, the P1 houseplant, is currently being developed in Florida and will soon hit shelves in the U.S.

“The actual plants will be far larger once they’re ready for sale. The Neo P1 sits on a custom-designed tall stand that both maximizes its air-cleaning properties and allows it to be watered far less often. Initial testing, conducted in partnership with Ecole Mines-Telecom of Lille University, showed the new plant was up to 30 times more effective at removing VOCs from the air than the most efficient plants found in nature.”

Read the full article here.

The views and opinions expressed are those of the author’s and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of C3.

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