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Biden extends, but modifies, Trump-era solar tariffs, says official

Jarrett Renshaw and Nichola Groom of Reuters report that President Biden has extended, but modified Trump-era solar tariffs.

>>>READ: President Biden’s Simple Tool to Increase U.S. Solar Deployment<<<

The C3 Take
  • President Biden’s modification includes excluding bifacial panels, which are the most used in large utility projects, from tariffs and increasing the import quota to 5 gigawatts.
  • As we have previously argued, solar tariffs hurt the environment and our economy.
  • Tariffs have led to American solar projects being among the costliest in the world and have made consumers pay an additional $1.3 billion in higher costs.
  • While Biden’s modifications are a step in the right direction, repealing Section 201 tariffs altogether will improve the health of our planet and economy.

“The decision represents a balancing act by the Biden administration to meet the demands of two important political constituencies: union labor, which supports import restrictions to protect domestic jobs, and clean energy developers keen to access overseas supplies that are cheaper than U.S.-made goods.”

Read the full article here.

The views and opinions expressed are those of the author’s and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of C3.

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