Philip Rossetti of R Street outlines how other countries are not reciprocating U.S. climate promises.

- With the latest reduction targets being introduced by the Biden administration, America is now the leader in emissions reduction promises.
- Climate change is a global issue and should be addressed as such; no matter how much the United States reduces its emissions, it will negligible without global cooperation.
- The best way that we can get other countries on board with reducing emissions is through free markets and economic production.
“Excepting China, whose 2030 targets remain abstract, the other countries listed all had notable increases in pledge size. This contrasts with the initial Paris Agreement promises, many of which roughly tracked with baseline emission projections. Optimism, though, should be tempered. Under the new pledges, global emissions in 2030 would be expected to be 1,197 million metric tons lower than under the old pledges, but 71 percent of that difference is from the United States alone, meaning Biden’s ambition has not yet been widely reciprocated.”
Read the full article here.
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