ARPA-E startups are advancing groundbreaking technologies to cost-effectively scale clean energy, meete future energy demands, and reduce global emissions.
Five Organizations That Are Leading in Marine Conservation
Companies and coalitions across the globe are developing innovative solutions to solve the present and future challenges the ocean faces.
What’s Going on with Electric Vehicles?
Both the left and the right should be troubled by the economic cost, inequity, and environmental futility of EV subsidies.
Is the Future of Energy Storage Underground?
As energy demand increases and regulators warn about grid reliability, underground storage may have an important role to play in shoring up the grid and keeping energy affordable.
Donald J. Quixote’s War on Windmills
Trump can and should do many things “on day one” to correct the Biden administration’s mistakes on energy policy but charging at windmills is not one of them.
How Industry is Addressing Data Centers’ Energy and Water Use
As the use of data centers rapidly expands, the private sector around the world is working to meet the industry’s massive energy and water needs.
e-Zinc Offers Solution to Long-Duration Energy Storage Challenge
Innovative startups like e-Zinc are paving the way for a more affordable and reliable low-carbon energy future.
Biden Administration’s Tariffs Will Hurt Consumers and Clean Energy Deployment
Tariffs will tax consumers, raise costs, and slow down implementation.
How Shade-Grown Coffee Can Save Our Mornings
In a warming world, coffee production is especially susceptible to drought. However, reforms in growing practices and crop management like shade-grown coffee can save the crop, improve the environment, and keep the world caffeinated.
The Folly of an SMR-Only Nuclear Strategy
Instead of repeating past mistakes and picking winners and losers, policymakers must ensure that all forms and sizes of nuclear energy can be thoroughly evaluated as part of our energy future.