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Getting climate, energy & environment news right.

U.S. energy policy must be all-of-the-above

U.S. energy policy must be all-of-the-above

"Alaska has and continues to be a shining example of responsible resource and energy development – where conservation and development have been proven to live in harmony; where stewardship of our lands, resources and environment is not falsely defined as mutually exclusive. But now, as a cornerstone of our vulnerable economy comes under attack, we must prepare for a tough road ahead."

How fusion power will make the Green New Deal obsolete

How fusion power will make the Green New Deal obsolete

"Bernie Sanders, AOC, and the rest of the progressive wing of the Democratic Party will likely revolt against a private sector approach to climate change. Their entire identity has centered on big government. But, with certain exceptions (the Apollo program comes to mind), that approach only leads to frustration and waste."

To Protect Forests, They Must Be Logged and Burned

To Protect Forests, They Must Be Logged and Burned

Patrick Brown of the Breakthrough Institute writes on the importance of active forest management practices. “Together, theory, firefighting experience, and rigorous study have led to a strong mainstream consensus within the wildfire science community that reducing fuel loads reduces the likelihood of the types of fires that produce the most smoke, are the least controllable,...

UK Forbids Fracking After One Week

UK Forbids Fracking After One Week

"Additional energy development would lower electricity and gasoline bills, giving people more income. It would give the UK independence from friendly energy producers, such as the United States, and unfriendly ones, such as Russia and OPEC. As the UK moves to reduce its budget deficit by cutting spending and increasing growth, using its existing energy resources should be an important part of the package."

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