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Texas got more electricity from solar than coal last month

Texas got more electricity from solar than coal last month

"Wind and solar don’t need to pay for fuel, so they can deliver low-cost power to ERCOT whenever the weather is favorable. That pushes down the prices that coal owners can earn during those high-renewables hours, reducing the amount of time when it makes economic sense to run their plants. Solar can only operate in the sunlight, yet it still managed to produce more megawatt-hours in March than Texas coal plants, which technically could run at any time of day."

China’s Flag Is Red, Not Green

China’s Flag Is Red, Not Green

"Despite these massive hydroengineering efforts, China can’t feed its own people or supply enough water for its industrial economy. More than 75% of China’s surface water supply is contaminated and undrinkable. Under current United Nations standards, the amount of water available in Beijing places the megalopolis in a state of 'extreme water scarcity.' Much of China’s farmland is too polluted by heavy minerals and salinization to grow edible crops. China is now the world’s largest importer of feed grains, accounting for 60% of global imports of soybeans. It also imports 70% of its cooking oils."

Startups aim to curb climate change by pulling carbon dioxide from the ocean—not the air

Startups aim to curb climate change by pulling carbon dioxide from the ocean—not the air

"One challenge for all these approaches is determining exactly how much CO2 the decarbonated water absorbs and at what rate, figures that are critical for selling carbon credits to companies looking to offset their emissions. To avoid that uncertainty, Equatic plans to pipe its CO2-stripped seawater to the top of a 13-meter-high cooling tower and drop it through the air, where it absorbs atmospheric CO2 in a way that can be precisely measured before it is returned to the ocean."

A Fully Green Grid: At What Cost?

A Fully Green Grid: At What Cost?

Wind, solar, fission, and fusion must all comprise contributions to a carbon-neutral energy sector. But the government must not be in the business of monopolistically picking which companies or technologies will come out on top. Come rain or shine, renewables must be left to succeed or fail on their own merits. 

Copyright © 2020 Conservative Coalition for Climate Solutions

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