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Poverty is killing the Amazon rainforest. Treating soil and farmers better can help save what’s left

Poverty is killing the Amazon rainforest. Treating soil and farmers better can help save what’s left

"The only way to meet both goals is to find more paths for people to make a living in the Amazon without further destroying the rainforest, say experts who have long worked in the region. That means using already deforested land more efficiently — to reduce pressure to clear more forest — as well as supporting businesses that sustainably harvest native products such as açaí and cacao."

Food producers turn to greener fertilisers to reduce carbon footprints

Food producers turn to greener fertilisers to reduce carbon footprints

"Tesco, the UK’s largest food retailer, is also working with low-carbon fertiliser manufacturers, including several start-ups such as CCm. The retailer recently said that after initial field trials produced vegetables including lettuces, carrots and potatoes with a 50 per cent reduction in emissions levels, from 2024 it would increase the trial area tenfold to 13,000 hectares."

GM’s Electric Cadillac Lyriq Arrives Spring 2022 With +300-Mile Range, $60,000 Starting Price

GM’s Electric Cadillac Lyriq Arrives Spring 2022 With +300-Mile Range, $60,000 Starting Price

"So what exactly do you get for $60,000? In short, a surprisingly sleek looking five-seat crossover with an expected range of more than 300 miles. If that range seems a bit low compared to the 360 miles of a Model X, it should be noted that GM is usually conservative on these estimates and the Bolt can easily outperform its 259-mile rating. Conversely, Tesla’s tend to fall short of their official ratings."

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