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Getting climate, energy & environment news right.

Build the U.S. EV Supply Chain from the Mine Up

Build the U.S. EV Supply Chain from the Mine Up

Thomas J. Madison writes on the importance of the United States establishing a domestic EV supply chain in RealClearEnergy. >>>Read More on Clean Energy and Private Sector Leadership Here<<< “There is no pathway to meet global climate targets without aggressively ramping up the production of minerals and metals right here in America. Missing the opportunity...

A European Revelation on Climate

A European Revelation on Climate

"In a smarter world, the market would have been allowed to figure this out. The new EU taxonomy still represents a destructive form of winner-picking industrial policy and has flaws. A big one is the arbitrary time limit on investments in nuclear and gas plants."

Why Solar Use Is Expanding In States Not Known For Sun

Why Solar Use Is Expanding In States Not Known For Sun

Anyone who has road-tripped across the Midwest is used to the sight of wind turbines dotting the terrain. Now, we are likely to see solar panels popping up just as often. The Midwest is certainly a key piece to America’s energy transition puzzle, and solar development is not slowing down.  

The European Energy Crisis: Biden Is Too Little, Too Late

The European Energy Crisis: Biden Is Too Little, Too Late

"President Biden must recognize that his decimation of American energy opened the door for Russia’s ongoing aggression, diminished our leverage in negotiations, and resulted in a missed opportunity in meeting Europe’s energy demands. It is clear—the only solution to lowering energy prices for consumers, protecting American energy independence, and stabilizing the situation in Europe is for President Biden to implement the ESCAPE Act and unleash the full power of American energy production."

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